Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.of the employee(s) who were on such leave will accompany the remittance of the Union dues cheque from which this recovery is made.autorisées et les noms des employés concernés est joint au chèque couvrant les cotisations syndicales à verser et à partir desquelles le recouvrement est prélevé.Download this spreadsheet template just once, and be able to useThe final payment (payment of balance) will take place 30 days after theLe paiement final (règlement du solde) aura lieu 30 jours aprèsto the Annuitant shall be considered sufficient if mailed to the Annuitant at the address shown on the Account Application form or to such other address as the Annuitant may designate in writing to the Rentier est considéré suffisant s'il est expédié par la poste au Rentier à l'adresse figurant sur la Demande d'ouverture de compte ou à toute autre adresse que le Rentier aura indiqué par écrit au Fiduciaire.the Agent to each Participant approximately three weeks after each investment.à chaque participant environ trois semaines après chaque investissement.The Agent will subsequently advise all participants of any change in the method of purchase of common shares under DRP with theL'Agent informera par la suite tous les participants de tout changement apporté au mode d'achat des actions ordinaires dans le cadre du RRDSection 126 provides that a company issuing a creditnot mention here, but which are described quite explicitly in the legislation.que je n'énumérerai pas ici, mais qui sont décrits de façon assez explicite dans la loi.the discretion of the administering organization for this award.Assets held and expenses debited since the last statement as well as the balance in the Plan.les Biens détenus et les frais débités depuis le dernier relevé ainsi que le solde du Régime.and it shows the date that payments were received and credited to the montre la date à laquelle les paiements ont été reçus et crédités au compte.You benefit from a grace period of at least 21 days if you pay your full balance at the latest on the date moins 21 jours, si vous réglez votre solde au complet au plus tard à la date d'échéanceque vous avez retenu selon la partie XIII de la Loi.Par conséquent, lorsque vous soumettez les formulaireeach amount credited or charged, including interest, and the dates when porté au crédit ou au débit du compte, y compris les intérêts et les Formuler simplement, clairement et succinctement - voilà les directives à suivre pour une prise de position convaincante en cas de crise. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. French Translation of “statement” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. French people love to argue or debate so having these little words and expressions can come in handy. Example Personal Statement: Languages (French and Latin) A student analyses their Personal Statement. declaration, return, notification, claim, bill. There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. - Lawless French Create an account and sign in to access this FREE contentSo a statement was put out and a press conference promised for a later date.Voss wanted to get away from contemplating the enormity of the statement.A recent bank statement for the sawmill revealed that there was more money going out of the business than was coming in.The effect of my statement upon my husband was terrible to behold.The comments were the ministry's first detailed public statement on the subject.I wish to enlarge on the statement I made yesterday.This is the ministry's first public statement on the subject.His statement ended with the words: 'Pray for me.
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