Yes, I think you are right, they need to make it taste bad so we feel virtuous taking it!I really loved the taste of this herbal tea : the pear and vanilla mix being absolutely perfect.
They make another version with verveine (verbena) that I like even better.A few years ago, while feeling really overstressed and not sleeping well, I came across this in my supermarket and bought it.It sounds vile! Thanks for the reminding.
The taste is of tilleul (linden), orangier (orange blossom), and chamomile, but since those first two flavors are foreign to most people, you’ll just have to take my word that it’s mellow and soothing!
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£12.99. It’s a simple bagged tea, tastes strongly of sweet green apples.
No idea where I grabbed this other than I did somewhere in France. But maybe those were better or my memory is very kind.And sleep tisanes it´s like they got the potential to go so very very wrong.
La Tisaniere BIO La Tisane Ventre Plat Cannelle Anis Menthe (x20) 30g (£13.55 /100g) La Tisaniere Infusion Anti-Oxydant 25 Sachets 37g (£10.13 /100g) Item unavailable, Please call on 02077371024 for details.
ideal after a generous meal!
La Tisanière a sélectionné la sauge qui aide à préserver les défenses naturelles de l'organisme et l'a associée à du thym et de l'églantier pour des tonalités stimulantes,agrémentées de saveurs délicieusement fruitées et légèrement épicées.
Fresh and light flavors.
This infusion will help you find well being and lightness after each meal.peppermint (45.9%), green anise (18.4%), licorice, mint flavor (8.2%), verbena (4.6%), lemon balm.Fat 0.000 g / 100 gSalt 0.000 g / 100 gFresh and light flavors.
j’avais oublié l’existence de cette marque.
Ingredients / Composition …
Upping the rating because I’m drinking it quite often.Surprisingly tasty, like a fruity cherry with a hint of floral/woodsy notes.
English Thought I could use a tea that helped me with the massive amounts of food I’ve ingested while in France, and thus… :)I tried this tisane after seeing it in all the supermarkets in Paris, and I wanted a change from chamomile.
Composed of peppermint recognized for facilitating digestion.
This infusion will help you find well being and lightness after each meal.
I steep it four minutes, but it’s not at all fussy (like real tea). But funny about the brand, it used to be ubiquitous around here some years ago, I quite liked a few of their fruit tisanes.
Composed of peppermint recognized for facilitating digestion. I really love the taste and drink it most winter evenings.
j’avais oublié l’existence de cette marque. Composed of peppermint recognized for facilitating digestion.
It makes me think about long winter evenings at my grand parents home …it was always a moment when Grandma was saying ’do you want a tisane ?"
particularly when they insist on putting valerian on it!My memory of their fruit tisanes is rather good, as well, although they changed most of their recipe sometime around 2005 and I did not like the new ones.
£6.89. Retrouvez toute la gamme et produits La Tisanière : les nouveautés et les meilleures références de la marque ainsi que tous les avis et les conseils de milliers d'internautes pour réussir vos achats.
I’m not really willing to try them again now that I’ve tasted something else…
Hell, if it helps me reduce some water weight too, I’m quite happy.
It makes me think about long winter evenings at my grand parents home …it was always a moment when Grandma was saying ’do you want a tisane ?"