Nevertheless, regardless of the election results, all citizens hope to see positive changes in Cameroon: a higher standard of living, a decrease in corruption, greater economic development, and an improvement on the country’s human rights record.Sources: The Bradt Guide to Cameroon, The CIA FactbookFor the first ever Human Rights conference to be held in Kumba by Global Conscience Initiative, its staff was divided into groups and work was allocated to maximize efficiency. Po’s arrival in Cameroon marked the beginning of a 400-year trading relationship between the Portuguese and local African chiefs primarily from Douala, Limbé, and Bonaberi. Merci, Thank you, شكرا Cпасибо, Danke, Tak, Grazie, Gracias, 谢谢 धन्यवाद ! Since 2001, Biya has been at particular odds with the Anglophone population in the west, where separatist movements and federalist demands continue to drive a wedge between the region and the government in Yaounde. However, because of the infestation of mosquitoes at the time, these Portuguese colonialists could not settle in the region, leaving the territory free of any European influence58. Then, on January 1, 1960, France granted its Cameroonian territory independence, followed a year later by a U.N.-sponsored referendum in the British Cameroons. When these demands were not met, the UPC resorted to armed conflict for an independent French Cameroon, a struggle that lasted past independence. In response to Biya’s actions, democratic demonstrations sprouted up across the country, often leading to police crackdowns, mass detention, torture, and death to the activists, journalists, and political opponents involved. Même s’il n’existait pas un territoire aux frontières bien délimitées, ces peuples ont échangé de nombreux produits sous forme de troc avec leurs voisins et les européens. Through the 1990’s, the country saw an increase in political dissatisfaction due to a common perception of autocracy in Biya’s government. Unrest continued to erupt through the presidential elections in 2004 as well as parliamentary elections in 2007—both of whose legitimacy was questioned by international observers. But at the beginning of the 15th century, these northern ethnic groups were joined by the nomadic, Islamist Fulani tribe who, by the 1700’s, had established a powerful presence in the region.Europeans first arrived on Cameroonian soil in the 15th century, when Portuguese explorer Fernando Po led an expedition of explorers up the Wouri River in 1472. To counter this political instability, Ahidjo transformed Cameroon into a one-party state, limited civil liberties, imprisoned his political opponents, and quelled the rebellion completely by 1970.Cameroon saw another political transformation in 1972, when the nation voted by referendum to replace the federal government with a unitary system under the United Republic of Cameroon. The Germans administered Kamerun intent on building the colony’s infrastructure and consolidating its rule by expanding into the interior and conquering tribal strongholds.
Under a mandate from the League of Nations, France assumed control of 80% of the colony, excepting a small sliver of territory in the west which Britain administered as North Cameroon and South Cameroon from Nigeria’s colonial capital in Lagos.British and French colonial rule of Cameroon lasted past World War II, yet the war left the two imperialist nations economically and militarily crippled.

After World War I , the territory was divided between France and the United Kingdom as League of Nations mandates . After World War I, this colony was partitioned between Britain and France under a June 28, 1919, League of Nations mandate. Les grandes lignes de l'histoire du Cameroun de 1472 à nos jours. De l'océan atlantique jusqu'aux bords du Lac Tchad, une multitude de peuples vivait sur ce territoire et… GCI staff was present for the launching event We offer the following services to the general public: This change put the outnumbered Anglophone regions at a disadvantage in the balance of political power, a problem that continues to exist today. Meanwhile, Ahidjo went on to create a more conservative political party, l’Union Camerounaise, which succeeded in eliciting self-governance from France in 1958. Yet, Cameroon encountered stability instead of political disintegration, and it was able to avoid debt, feed its population, and recharge the economy. This staff was composed of Mr Ebenezer, Sophie, Lionel, Clavance, Njana, Global conscience initiative is an NGO in Kumba, aim at protecting and promoting human rights of citizens. Items in Stacks; Call number Status; DT572 .Z64 2000 Unknown More options Find it at other libraries via WorldCat (Lim Dans le Nord, la civilisation des Saos, mal connue, se développe dans le bassin du lac Tchad.
around 1472 by Portuguese colonialists who were already settled in Malabo in Equatorial Guinea57. Imprint [Cameroon : Direction des recherches et des publications, 2000] Physical description 23 p. ; 21 cm. Cette région passe au XVIe siècle sous le contrôle de l'empire du Kanem-Bornou. In February 2008, unrest swept the major towns of Cameroon resulting from rising food costs, widespread unemployment, and a constitutional referendum that eliminated presidential term limits; government suppression of the riots resulted in the deaths of over 100 Cameroonian citizens.Since the riots, political unrest continues to brew due to endemic corruption, Anglophone-Francophone tension, and President Biya’s prolonged rule.

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