Schedule a demo today to see how the Kong Enterprise API Platform can help your organization more easily secure, manage, and optimize the performance of your microservices and APIs. Connect APIs across environments, platforms and patterns.Connect all your services with the Kong platform. Kong is the world's most popular open source microservice API gateway.

Kong Summit 2020 will be transformed into a fully digital conference.Achieve architectural freedom by connecting all your microservices and APIs natively within and across clouds, Kubernetes, data-centers and more.

Built on top of a lightweight proxy, the Kong Gateway delivers unparalleled latency performance and scalability for all your microservice applications regardless of where they run. Kubernetes Ingress Controller Ingress and CRDs. Insomnia API Design and Testing. Overview of Kong’s API Gateway Accelerate your microservices journey with the world’s most popular open source API gateway. Kong Summit 2020 will be transformed into a fully digital conference.The world’s most popular open source API gateway.

Generate custom workflows to improve efficiency and reduce errors.Limit access with role-based access control (RBAC). 8444 is the default port for HTTPS traffic to the Admin API. Last Name. Request Demo - Kong Enterprise. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Gain visibility and empower teams to provide security, governance and compliance.Rapidly design, publish and consume APIs and servicesTake control of your microservices traffic with the world’s most popular API gateway.Own your Kubernetes cluster by extending Kong functionality as an ingress controller.Build, secure and observe your modern Service Mesh.Accelerate your microservices journey with the world’s most popular open source API gateway. Use Kong to secure, manage and orchestrate microservice APIs. You can also create your own plugins!...and then you can consume the Service on port 8000 by requesting the specified host. Built for multi-cloud and hybrid, optimized for microservices and distributed architectures.Manage, throttle, and restrict inbound and outbound API trafficVisualize, inspect, and monitor APIs and microservices trafficStream request and response data to logging solutionsAchieve the industry’s best latency performance with Kong’s ultra-performant core. In production setup the public host DNS to point to your Kong cluster. First name. Install; Kubernetes & Subscriptions. Job Title. Requests to the Admin API can be sent to any node in the cluster, and Kong will keep the configuration consistent across all nodes. Subscriptions Kong Gateway and Enterprise features Solutions Exercise granular control over your traffic with Kong gateway’s plugin architecture.Then add extra functionality by using Kong Plugins. You can use the Admin API to configure Kong, create new users, enable or disable plugins, and a handful of other operations. Scale horizontally to meet demand.Radically extensible. Kuma Service Mesh. Ensure seamless communication across all your services regardless of where they run.Maximize resource efficiency and minimize footprint with Kong’s lightweight core. 8001 is the default port on which the Admin API listens. Kong Gateway API Gateway. The Kong Developer Portal provides a single source of truth for all developers to locate, access and consume services. Easily extend Kong to fit any use case with custom plugins. Kong uses an external datastore to store its configuration such as registered APIs, Consumers and Plugins. Kong supports much more functionality, explore the Hub and the documentation.Request a demo, free trial or talk to our experts to answer your questions and explore your needs. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Gain visibility and empower teams to provide security, governance and compliance.Rapidly design, publish and consume APIs and servicesTake control of your microservices traffic with the world’s most popular API gateway.Own your Kubernetes cluster by extending Kong functionality as an ingress controller.Build, secure and observe your modern Service Mesh.Accelerate your services.

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