Désolé, aucun résultat n’a été trouvé pour No service interruption has been planned at that location À ce stade-ci, les employés d’Hydro-Québec sont à pied d’oeuvre pour rebrancher des secteurs plus isolés avec moins d’habitants touchés par chacune des pannes. Le paiement peut se faire idéalement par carte de débit ou de crédit, mais peut aussi se faire en argent comptant.. * Web site in French only Unlike a power outage, which is unplanned, The service interruption map is currently not available.We are working to rectify the situation and hope to restore service as soon as possible.We are working to make it available as quickly as possible.This figure represents the number of equipment failures or incidents that have caused power outages on the Hydro-Québec grid and includes scheduled outages for system maintenance.This figure represents the number of customers who are without electricity out of the total number of customers served by Hydro-Québec in a given region, regional county municipality (MRC) or municipality. Désolé, aucun résultat n’a été trouvé pour No service interruption has been planned at that location The information does not take the number of people in each household into account. a planned service interruption is an intentional interruption of service for a set period of time for system maintenance purposes.All persons must take the necessary steps to mitigate damage that may be caused by an outage.Track any power outages and stay informed thanks to our notifications.If you don’t see your outage on the map, contact us!© Hydro-Québec, 1996-2020. Lundi 11 mai - 15 h 40 - Panne d'électricité - Hydro-Joliette - Nous observons en ce moment une panne de courant sur différents secteurs. Conditions, consignes et sécurité : La location de canots et de kayaks est non remboursable. Chaque enfant de 16 ans et moins doit être accompagné d’un adulte et doit être dans la même embarcation. The Hydro-Québec home page (www.hydroquebec.com) is also the home page of the section for residential customers. HYDRO-JOLIETTE Je, soussigné(e), autorise la Ville de Joliette à révoquer mon adhésion au débit préautorisé pour le service de l’électricité.

All rights reserved. The areas identified on the maps and the time when service is expected to be restored are approximate, as is the rest of the information (cause, number of customers without power, etc. All rights reserved. Consequently, the total number of people affected by a service interruption is higher than the numbers in the chart.Updated every fifteen minutes. This report includes power outages and planned service interruptions currently under way. Selon Hydro-Québec, près de … Afin de soutenir le développement de la région de Lanaudière, Hydro-Québec met en service deux nouvelles lignes de transport d’électricité.

The service interruption map is currently not available.We are working to rectify the situation and hope to restore service as soon as possible.We are working to make it available as quickly as possible.This figure represents the number of equipment failures or incidents that have caused power outages on the Hydro-Québec grid and includes scheduled outages for system maintenance.This figure represents the number of customers who are without electricity out of the total number of customers served by Hydro-Québec in a given region, regional county municipality (MRC) or municipality. Afin de révoquer votre adhésion, la Ville de Joliette doit recevoir votre demande d’annulation au moins 30 jours avant la date du prochain prélèvement. Pour garantir un service de distribution fiable, éviter les pannes et assurer la sécurité de ses installations, Hydro-Joliette accorde une attention particulière aux activités de maîtrise de la végétation près des lignes électriques. ).The Service status by region report shows the number of customers without power in each region of the province.

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