Nouvelle traduction. Ya datni sekra datni Yana datni rawja datni W zewjouha mounkour w hya bla khber W ya datni sekra datni Yaaaah datni lmahna datni La zwaj la dar el 3akba wa3ra ... Rap Français . >По своим же, по следам. Yaaaah datni rawja datni.
Let me know if there are any mistakes in the lyrics. yaaaah datni lmahna daaaaaaatni.drunkenness has swept me away, my plight has overtaken meВпрок - слитно.
yaaaah datni l mahna datniiii.drunkenness has swept me away, ordeals have overtaken meno marriage and no future (mektoub = what is written), how will I repent?ya datni sekra datni. Ajouter une nouvelle traduction Ajouter une nouvelle demande. La zwaj la mektoub ki ghadi ntoub. Yaaaah datni l mahna datniiii. Translation of 'ضيتني ىسسيكرا (Detni Essekra)' by Khaled (خالد) from Arabic to English yaaaah datni l mahna datniiii.drunkenness has swept me away, ordeals have overtaken meno marriage and no future (mektoub = what is written), how will I repent?ya datni sekra datni. « Datni sekra » Ou ya datni lmehna datni Yana datni raouja datni Oueddatni mehnetha ya nesker kolli youm Yadatni sekra datni Yana datni raouja datni Ou zouejouha mounkor Ou hya bla khbar Ou ya datni sekra datni Yaah datni lmehna datni La zouaj la dar L3oqba oua3ra Ou ya datni sekra datni Yaah datni lmehna datni Ou la zhar la mimoun Ezahou maydoum ... ya datni sekra datni. Traduction de « ضيتني ىسسيكرا (Detni Essekra) » par Khaled (خالد), arabe → anglais. my plight has swept me away, red wine has overtaken meher suffering has affected me and I drink every daydrunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken methey married her spitefully without her knowledge / without asking for approvaldrunkenness has swept me away, my plight has overtaken meNo luck no (mimoun?, I'm guessing it means something you wish upon from آمن), pleasures don't lastDo as your mother says (follow her opinion), she will make you understand.drunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken mehow long will you stay careless (my Oranese is terrible so this might not be an accurate translation), the bad isn't everlastingdrunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken mewe'll prepare ourselves (for a future together), we're not afraidya datni sekra datni. Nouvelle traduction. yaaaah datni lmahna daaaaaaatni.drunkenness has swept me away, my plight has overtaken meHello, I found some mistakes in the lyrics here: ... Bonjour Gian Carlo et merci. TÉLÉCHARGER DATNI SEKRA GRATUIT - Khaled lance sa première cassette dont la chanson célèbre "Trig Lycée". Ya datni sekra datni. Cha kadek etmaryil el 3ayb ma ydoum.
... portugais → français. Thématiques Chansons pour faire le sexe Rap Français Chansons d'amour Chansons des Guinguettes Retrouvez les paroles de Khaled - Detni Essekra lyrics : ويا داتــني المحنه اداتــني يانا داتــني W hna ndirou tawil manach khayfine. Artistes similaires Yana datni rawja datni. my plight has swept me away, red wine has overtaken meher suffering has affected me and I drink every daydrunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken methey married her spitefully without her knowledge / without asking for approvaldrunkenness has swept me away, my plight has overtaken meNo luck no (mimoun?, I'm guessing it means something you wish upon from آمن), pleasures don't lastDo as your mother says (follow her opinion), she will make you understand.drunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken mehow long will you stay careless (my Oranese is terrible so this might not be an accurate translation), the bad isn't everlastingdrunkenness has swept me away, red wine has overtaken mewe'll prepare ourselves (for a future together), we're not afraidya datni sekra datni. hindi → anglais. Teri Mitti Song Lyrics in English. W diri 3la rai mouk hia tfahimek. yaaaah datni l mahna datniiii.