I do think he does better at this 1:1 or on stage, but in the environs he is more frequently presented in, he tends to sound a bit flat and it is hard to get truly excited about the things he is discussing. pour la petite histoire, Ion Hazzikostas qui était le GL de Elitist Jerk (à l’époque) avait fait tout un post à Blizz pour leurs expliquer que C’Thun était infaisable dans l’état par rapport à l’itémisation d’un raid Vanilla etc… 230k sur un war à 9k full buff arf . It’s one thing to strongly disagree with a dev about what’s fun, but I think it’s much harder to be mad/snarky about it when you can tell that they genuinely believe in their vision. I suspect that can’t do his reputation any favours. From google…their sister guild is Elitist Jerks. Alternatively, if Ion does a poor job of communicating the vision, then even genius devs won’t be able to deliver. Above, I said that he cares about the game and is passionate for it – and I do believe that, but at the same time, he isn’t going to pick fights he knows he can’t win. The two guys that talked about Island Excursions talked about it with a great passion, and it probably could have been a great feature, but when they linked it to the necklace as a weekly must do with minimal rewards initially it fell flat for me. Archived. The solo video format is worse, as he often struggles to maintain eye contact with the camera, making him look evasive and nervous (and I have the same problem when streaming, so I understand this feeling! I think I’m a good games nerd who likes to believe that I could design a game or a system fairly well and keep it reasonably balanced, but the likelihood is that I’m not going to be asked to try for an audience of 10 million right off the bat. I think he could end up being a great game director, but his work so far has been hit or miss and the raids designed since he went on to that role have been iffy, which has brought the game down. Nerfs followed, and by the time Wrath of the Lich King was in development, Ion was a member of the WoW team, working on encounter design.Ion was responsible as a designer and later the lead encounter designer for some of WoW’s most memorable dungeon and raid fights – some stinkers, as well, but largely the increases in mechanical depth were started under his watch. At the same time, I can see the fingerprints of a raid player all over the current gameplay and reward cycle of BfA – the concept of seasons, the constant scaling up of rewards, the “make it worth my time with difficulty and loot” thing all scream of someone that needs content with lots of active mechanics and a strong reward system – and that isn’t always a great fit, truth be told!Having said that, however, I also find it hard to dislike the guy’s philosophy of design too much given how much I enjoyed Legion, which was really his trial run for his current job. It’s interesting to me to see you talk about Ion as a player and being passionate about the game, because the main impression I always get watching one of his Q&As etc. Close. Posted by 1 year ago. When addressing things the community is unhappy with, he either tends to simply not engage or to couch his language in vague, careful terminology – Azerite will be better once we get used to it, we’re working on changes (no mention of specific targets for said changes), and things of that nature. His ascendance through Blizzard and the WoW team is one of the weirder stories after WoW’s release. 288.

In Legion, it was fine for me mostly, although Tomb of Sargeras was awful, but BfA has lowered the bar enough across the board that it exacerbates the worsening raid design.My hope is that BfA is a good trial by fire and 9.0 on the other side is great for it – but I’m not sure I’m counting on that being the case just yet.I do think he has a tough job of being the one between corporate wants and designers ideas.

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